BE.TA manufactures and installs diathermal fluid generators with gas and oil burners. Thanks to this system and to the use of diathermal fluid, the plants are not affected by problems such as pressure alteration, formation and encrustation, corrosion and frost. The fluid generally works up to 350° at atmospheric pressure and remains pumpable down to -20°.
BE.TA Srl has the production of the following models to its credit:
• Vertical axis generator body, monotubular type, consisting of a cylindrical combustion chamber and a concentric beam to it.
• Reverse chamber shielded by tangent tubes and below by panels of refractory material – insulating with low thermal inertia.
• Upper front panel, completely removable, shielded by layers of rock wool and refractory materials – insulation of low thermal inertia.
• Cylindrical coat, insulated by layers of thick rock wool closed by sheet metal panels.
• Inspection and cleaning door at the bottom of the reversing chamber.
• Rectangular base made of steel profile, covered with striped sheet metal.
• Glass-protected sightglass for visual and pyrometric control of the flame, taken for measurement of pressurisation, chemical-physical analysis, measurement of depression and temperature of exhaust fumes.
LOD AR Series
• The LOD-AR series high efficiency diathermal fluid generators are equipped with a combustion air preheating system with heat exchanger – recuperator for the sensitive heat of the exhaust gases, of the horizontal countercurrent tube bundle type, incorporated in the structure of the generator itself.
• The combustion air preheater is equipped with a flue gas anti-condensation device at reduced loads, consisting of a duct and a fan air by-pass valve directly to the burner head, motorized servo control, thermostat and probe for controlling the temperature of the flue gas at the outlet of the preheater.
• Pressurised industrial burner, with fan installed at the inlet of the air preheater.
• Useful thermal efficiency of high efficiency LOD-AR generators: over 90%.
• Construction features and equipment common to all models of diathermal fluid generators LOD SERIES.
• Parallelepiped cloak insulated by layers of rock wool closed by sheet metal panels.
• Horizontal axis, tubular type generator body, consisting of a cylindrical combustion chamber and concentric convective bundles to it
• Combustion chamber and convective bundles made of high-quality carbon steel coils.
• Total absence of refractory.
• Reverse chamber shielded by tangent tubes and behind by panels of refractory material – insulating with very low thermal inertia.
• Front and rear doors, completely removable, shielded by layers of rock wool and refractory panels – insulation of very low thermal capacity.
• Cylindrical coat, insulated by layers of thick rock wool closed by sheet metal panels.
• Inspection of the combustion chamber and convective bundles can be easily carried out by opening the doors.
• Rectangular base made of steel profiles, covered with striped sheet metal.
• Three rounds of smoke.